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Fortnite Cheats in 2019


Fortnite battle royale is a great game. There are none like it recently that can offer a player true flexibility in choosing characters as well as upgrades. It enables an individual to customize certain aspects of the game to suit your specific needs. There are cheats codes as well as tricks that can help you advance faster in the fortnitefreeaccounts . Below we outline few of the cheat codes that will help you immensely in becoming the best in the game. Thrilled as we are, we know that you will find these tips and tricks helpful in your game play.

Inventory in your account

Fortnite lets you have few things in your account, mainly only 5. Therefore it is essential that you leave some space for your meds. Thus the best tip we can give you is to have 3 weapons in your inventory.

Medical supplies

Always carry your medical supplies with you to ensure that you are ready to heal your character whenever you are in danger. Ths is essential if you want to be at the top of every chart in the game. 

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